
Forming the essential link between your car and the road, the grip of your tyre treads and brakes is more important than any other factor in determining the safety of your vehicle. Tyres affect your primary means of safety – avoiding accidents in the first place. By increasing your ability to corner and brake in all conditions and emergencies, you can avoid putting yourself and your family in danger.

We provide a wide range of tyres – from budget to premium, suiting all ranges and vehicles. Our experienced fitters will match tyres according to your requirements and budget and ensure they give you unbiased advice on what the best option is.

In addition to providing new tyres we also offer wheel alignment and wheel balancing.

Getting the best value for money from your tyres, relies heavily on the correct Wheel Alignment. The front end alignment of your vehicle can be misaligned over time or simply by hitting a curb or, pothole etc. Maximize your investment in tyres by having take a look at your wheel alignment and balancing.

Your vehicle might need a wheel alignment if:

  • You experience vibration when steering
  • The steering wheel veers to the left or right
  • The steering wheel is not straight when driving on a straight road
  • Your tire tread is wearing unevenly.

We are able to offer the highest level of service and support with any wheel alignment and suspension geometry problem you may have, whether it is accident related or you simply have handling concerns or tracking concerns with your vehicle. It is recommended that you have your wheel alignment checked every 12,000 – 15,000 miles, when you have new tyres or if your vehicle undergoes suspension repair work.

New tyres, a wheel alignment and wheel balance go hand in hand to ensure good handling. GP Motors is experienced at maintaining tyres and related components and can give you good advice on purchasing the correct tyres for your car.