GP Motors specialises in MOT testing with all vehicle class inspections available. We provide car repairs, MOT tests and car servicing in East Grinstead for trade and retail customers and, for your convenience, a free collection and delivery service is available by appointment to ensure you never have to lose a minute at work or take valuable time out of your busy schedule.

We endeavour to complete all tests quickly and efficiently and can accommodate all makes and models of car, including light commercial vehicles.

Our helpful engineers will advise you of the best course of action should your vehicle fail to meet the standards required of the tests.

Fill out the booking/enquiry form in the sidebar and we’ll get back to you.

When to get an MOT?

The MOT test checks that your vehicle meets road safety and environmental standards.

You must get an MOT for your vehicle by either:

  • the third anniversary of its registration
  • the anniversary of its last MOT, if it’s over 3 years old

Some vehicles need to be tested at one year old.

You can be fined up to £1,000 for driving a vehicle without a valid MOT.

Earliest date you can get an MOT. An MOT lasts for a year. The date it runs out is printed on the last pass certificate.
You can get an MOT up to a month (minus a day) before it runs out and keep the same renewal date.

If your MOT runs out on 15 May, the earliest you can get an MOT to keep the same renewal date for next year is 16 April.

You can get an MOT earlier, but the MOT renewal date for the following year will be different.

You can’t drive your vehicle on the road if the MOT has run out. You can be prosecuted if caught.

The only exceptions are to drive it:

  • to or from somewhere to be repaired
  • to a pre-arranged MOT test